You never know when opportunity will knock at your door. Will you be ready to open the door and walk through to the other side?
Today as I prepared to go walking with my new accountability partner, I received a text message from my church's youth pastor, Pastor Chris, asking me if I was free that morning to come and share information about my nonprofit organization. I almost spilled my morning coffee that I had been sipping on when the text came through. I was lallygagging in the kitchen on this cloudy morning, barely motivated to leave the house, let alone go walking. I was determined, however, to stay healthy after coming off a year of having two major surgeries so walking was suitable and necessary. But, THIS! Was I free? Ohh, yes...I AM NOW. Free to put off the walking for a few hours to come down to the church and share what I am so passionate about, youth and character building.
It quickly dawned on me that this was one of those moments I had been warned about from leaders, fellow entrepreneurs and mentors over the ready when opportunities present themselves. I was being asked to provide information about my nonprofit services to a potential audience of 100 or more youth pastors, youth leaders from the community, including the school system, as well as youth leaders from other states. My accountability partner was so understanding and supportive when I canceled our walking session in order to take advantage of this opportunity. She was so supportive, that she agreed to accompany me, along with her son and my youngest son who happened to be the incoming and outgoing youth presidents of the organization.

I must admit a brief moment of panic washed over me. I had been trying to perfect my "elevator pitch", my why for a while, having never really gotten it as clear and concise as I needed it to be. I paused and prayed, asking God to provide me what I needed today to share our story and make some community connections. As I began to get dressed I believe my prayers were answered. Additionally, my accountability partner encouraged me with a few text messages that helped me define my message to the group. After prepping my why statement and creating a quick brochure, I dashed to the local Office Max where the helpful employee quickly printed and so graciously folded my literature sending me off with well wishes.
The leadership roundtable was fantastic and I believe I finally gave one of my best presentations about the nonprofit. Did I mention that I stopped and prayed that God would help me with this short notice presentation? For the first time in the years since I founded the nonprofit, I believe I clearly articulated my "Why" I started the nonprofit organization. I couldn't have done it without God! I remember thinking...You are really showing off today, Lord. You are already doing big things in my life this year. Not only did I answer the call to show up and share a community resource, but me and my guests were blessed with a leadership training, including a keynote speaker, training materials and a free book from the speaker that will provide guidance to my volunteers, leadership team and for future programming for youth. Talk about BLESSINGS ON BLESSINGS!
Interestingly, I later realized that several months prior to the event, I had seen the flyer for this event on social media, probably on Pastor Chris' page, had a desire to attend but forgot about it. In the end, I believe it was God ordained for Pastor Chris to invite me to the event. I'm so thankful for the years of preparing and even for the unexpected moments that came together when I most needed it. It was a good lesson on being prepared and ready. You never know when opportunity will knock at YOUR door. Will you be ready to open the door and walk through to the other side?
